Focus Areas

Software Engineering

I am a self taught software engineer. I enjoy working on embedded projects as well as desktop applications. I build most of my projects using C++ and use MATLAB or Python for data analysis. I love applying control theory to actual hardware. I also geek out on software customization and workflow aesthetics.

Aerospace Controls

I am currently studying aerospace control theory in my graduate studies at Embry-Riddle. I am contributing to our 5 DoF robot arm testbed as well as experimenting with swarm control. I have not settled on an official topic for my dissertation yet.

Lighter Than Air

I am a member of the AIAA Lighter Than Air Techinical Committee. I was invited to the committee on the basis of my research measuring lift in airships. On the committee I judge paper submissions to AIAA SciTech and encourage cross collaboration in the airship community.

Space Communication

In my time at NASA Glenn I worked on space communication technology. Communication is often the last piece of any satellite but it is often the most important. There is no point in performing a mission if the data can not get sent home. I developed apps for the GRC HDTN team.


My talented wife Holly was kind enough to create a portfolio for me. You can download it above or view it in browser. I hope the portfolio is able to better visualize and explain the projects I have worked on.