The Twisted Olive

I worked throughout high school and college in order to pay for my undergraduate schooling and earn a bit of spending money. My first job was dishwashing at The Twisted Olive restaurant in Green, Ohio. It is a fine local establishment that serves some excellent cuisine. I washed dishes for about six months and then was promoted up to a pantry position, which consists of making salads and desserts. Soon afterwards I learned every position in the kitchen from dish to grill. I worked very hard at The Twisted Olive, often pulling 60 to 70 hour work weeks in the summer months of high school. I have very fond memories of the restaurant and learned a great deal about life and hard work from the people there. In the kitchen you meet people from all walks of life. You must learn to work together or else you sink together. I have not seen an engineering or research team replicate the comraderie of a kitchen yet and I don't think I will. I worked at The Twisted Olive for about 4 years. Eventually, the combination of my undergraduate classes, work at LTA, and relatively low pay of the kitchen work forced my departure. Below I have included some of my favorite dishes and memories from The Twisted Olive.
Back link shenanigans
TTO's famous fried brussel sprouts
Pizza station ready for action
Fried shrimp
Americano pie
Lovely Lake Erie walleye
Chicken gnochi with arugla and parmesean
TTO seafood pasta
Seared tuna
Delicious red pepper jam
The Twisted Pie
Andre's brine
Ready for service with Chad
Full bottom oven
Stuffed peppers with mozzeralla, balsamic, basil